Pupils enjoying the opportunity

Blackstone Rock fieldtrip
Bewdley Civic Society has this year partnered the Abberley and Malvern Hills Geopark, to deliver their annual local history project with the Bewdley School and Sixth Form Centre. Each year the Civic Society works with year 7 pupils of the school (who are 12 years old) and to celebrate the imminent opening of the school’s new science block, the head teacher, Mrs Julie Riley, asked if they would take a scientific approach to the study of local history this year. Following the connections between Civic Society committee member, Ian Williams, and the Geopark, Peter Oliver and Mike Preston were approached, and agreed, to provide the scientific and geological knowledge necessary to show links between some of the local rocks surrounding Bewdley and the stone which was used in the building of some of the important historic structures in the town.
Mike and Peter (from the ‘Geologists in the Geopark’ group) led a workshop and field trip for the young people, accompanied by Becky Newbold from the school, Barbara Longmore and Ian Williams from the Civic Society Committee and Sue Duffield, Bewdley Museum Education Officer. The purpose of the field trip was to view examples of local rocks and geological features and for the pupils develop an understanding of how they were formed and of the changes that had occurred in the local landscape over millions of years. They were also able to visit the disused quarry on the Sandbourne estate (with kind permission from the owner, Mrs Julie Copeman, who gave up her time to escort them) so that the students could see the place of origin of the stone which was used in the building of the local railway viaducts and bridges.

Mike Preston encourages the pupils

Bewdley Rocks – Bewdley School and Sixth Form Centre
Back in school, day 2 of the project was devoted to a consolidation of the knowledge gained from the field trip and finished with the students making group presentations to answer questions set by the geologists. The final presentations were judged by Civic Society Officers and prizes will be awarded by the Bewdley Mayor, Cllr Calne Edginton-White, at a tea party for the young people in the Mayor’s Parlour in September.
The Project Organiser, Barbara Longmore, said, “The students worked exceptionally hard on the two hottest days of the year (so far) and demonstrated a good understanding of what they had experienced. They now have the task of passing on their knowledge to the whole of year 8, after the summer break, by repeating their presentations when they return to school”. The work from the Project will be on show in the Civic Society Exhibition in Bewdley Museum from 12th September – 16th October.
Written by Barbara Longmore