We wish you all a happy new year and we hope that the events within the Geopark during the year will be of interest to you.
2023 is important as it marks 20 years since the Geopark was formed and so we wish to provide you with a full programme of activities over the next 12 months.
There are 13 visitor centres across the Geopark all with plenty for you to see and do. You can check out the list (see About Us) and see what each centre will be doing during the year. Also there are plenty of walking trails to do including the ever popular 109 mile Geopark Way (see Explore Geology and Landscape – Walking Trails). And remember, GeoFest will be with you again in the summer so keep watching the GeoFest calendar for what is available for you to enjoy during this anniversary year.

It is always good to hear how much you enjoy the Geopark trails, geology, landscapes and activities so do please let us know what you enjoy and share the pictures you take and the experiences with us (see Contact Details on the bottom right of the page).