The geology and landscape of the Geopark is there to be enjoyed and explored by all. Each of us has a responsibility to respect it to ensure that its special qualities remain.
The Geopark promotes and strongly supports the use of the Geology field Work Code and Countryside Code when exploring the area.

Dog Hill Wood, Ledbury, interpretation board
- Collection of fossils, rocks or minerals that are in-situ (i.e. part of the bedrock) is not an acceptable practice
- Please note that several sites in the Geopark are protected Sites of Scientific Interest (SSSI’s) and Regionally Important Geological Sites / Local Geological Sites (RIGS/LGS)
- Please do not hammer or dig at any site
- Stay away from quarry faces – rock falls can happen
- Consider your fitness level when planning your exploration, wear sensible shoes and be prepared for any weather
- Always tell someone where you are going and how long you expect to be gone
- Where sites are on private land, permission from the landowner must first be sought and given prior to any visit
The Geopark is not responsible for the state of any land, paths or sites listed on the website. People visiting these sites do so entirely at their own risk and should take due care at all times. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information given is accurate, no liability can be accepted for any errors, omissions or misrepresentations of fact contained in these pages.