Earthquake Observatories

Two earthquake observatories are now up and running — one at the Hive in Worcester and one at the Discovery Centre in the Wyre Forest. Many different organisations have helped to make the project a reality. Along with a number of generous funders, manyorganisations and individuals have provided their expertise, images,animations, videos and data free of charge and in their own time.

The Herefordshire and Worcestershire Earth Heritage Trust would particularly like to thank the British Geological Survey for providing access to the UK seismology data and a wealth of expertise and educational resources.
Funding came from the Forestry Commission, the Geological Society,Herefordshire and Worcestershire Earth Heritage Trust, Jeremy Willson Charitable Trust, the Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain, the Royal Astronomical Society, the Tomlinson Brown Trust, the University of Worcester and Welcome to our Future (Severn Waste Fund). A significant legacy from Stephanie and Peter Thomson was also received.
Make a visit and find out more. Seismic data from around the world is available with daily updates. You can even make your own earthquake as part of the experience.