Sponsored Walk 20th Oct 2013
On 20th October 2013, ten teams walked various sections of the Abberley and Malvern Hills Geopark Way, distances varied from 5.5 miles to 12 miles. Between all the teams on the day, we walked 74.2 miles! The weather was anticipated to be wet and wild however we were lucky to have some sunshine in the morning and only occasional heavy rain showers in the afternoon(interspersed with rainbows – see photo left).
This was in order to raise money to support the post of a Geopark Manager. We were aiming to raise £2,000 and we are well on our way to reaching this target. If you want to donate any money, please email Nina on eht@worc.ac.uk
The Geopark and the Earth Heritage Trust would like to thank all those who undertook the walks and all those who have sponsored the walkers. Both organisations would not be here were it not for the dedication of their volunteers.