British Geological Survey Publications

The British Geological Survey (BGS) publishes geological maps and memoirs of districts across the British Isles.

Memoirs contain detailed information on the structure, stratigraphy, and palaeontology, and many have sections on mineral resources, geohazards, groundwater and geophysics of the district. They are well illustrated with diagrams, sections, photographs and contain extensive references and bibliographies.

Geological maps show the nature, extent and relative stratigraphical age of the different rocks within a district.

British Geological publications relevant to the Abberley and Malvern Hills Geopark:


  • Geology of the country between Dudley and Bridgnorth: T.H.Whitehead, 1947
  • Geology of the country around Droitwich, Abberley and Kidderminster: G.H Mitchell et al, 1962
  • Geology of the country around Worcester: W.J. Barclay et al, 1997
  • Geology of the country around Tewkesbury: B C Worssam et al, 1989

Geological Maps at 1:50 000 scale

  • E167 Dudley
  • E181 Ludlow
  • E182 Droitwich
  • E199 Worcester
  • E216 Tewkesbury
  • E234 Gloucester