Geological Inspiration in Textile Art: An Illustrated Talk at Severn Valley Country Park

Crinoids - Silurian reef

Crinoids – Silurian reef

Shropshire Council rangers at Severn Valley Country Park are delighted to be welcoming Georgia Jacobs for this fascinating look at the use of geology in textile art.

Since retiring from her career as a lecturer in Geography and Geology at Halesowen College, Georgia has been able to develop her love for textile art by gaining a series of qualifications including machine embroidery, silk painting and advanced textile decoration.

As a registered speaker on recreational geology and textile art for the Worcestershire WI, Georgia enjoys exhibiting her textile art as it helps promote public awareness of geology and how the subject can be used as a source of inspiration for artists working in textiles and mixed media.

Georgia’s passion for textile art can be seem in her vast collection of vibrantly coloured, geologically inspired textiles. Her use of different textures and colours to create wonderful shapes and landscapes is very creative and she is able to bring the subject to life through this humorous and interesting talk.

Visitor centre manager Susie Comaish says, “the country park is the perfect setting for this talk. The Severn Valley was carved out 18,000 years ago during the last ice age and is filled with distinctive geological features, some of which Georgia has replicated in her art.” 

The talk will be held in the visitor centre on Thursday 15th October 7.30pm-9pm. Tickets are £3 Adults, £2 Children. Tickets include a hot drink and biscuits. Places are limited so please call 01746 781192 to book.