Stourport Walks For Health Leaflet
Exercise your body and your mind on a healthy walk from the centre of Stourport out into the surrounding countryside. The walk will help towards your daily exercise routine. At the same time think about how the landscape has come to look as it does, because of the rocks on which it is built, or those found in the surrounding area.
The man-made landscape relies heavily on aggregates – the sand, gravel and crushed rock that goes into building foundations, concrete and the roads we drive on. Nowhere is this better seen than in the regeneration of Stourport around the canal basins, and in the rapid expansion to the south of the town. Here at Stourport, the town’s most obvious natural feature, the River Severn, in its broad, deep valley was completely absent 100,000 years ago. The river has been deepening its valley ever since, but with a much-reduced volume of water. As a result the initial spreads of glacial debris: a coarse mix of sand, gravel, pebbles and small boulders, have been left as conspicuous terraces at higher levels. Today’s flood plain contains much finer silt and sand. These differences are clearly seen at various points on the walk.
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