Victorian schoolroom at Worcestershire County Museum
As part of their education service pupils can enjoy creative on and off site cross-curricula linked sessions for Key Stages 1, 2 and beyond. Each activity is rich in creativity and language, stretches your pupil’s thinking and reasoning skills, focuses on historic enquiry and offers a number of methods of teaching to suit your children’s different learning styles. Activity sessions can be tailor made to suit your requirements and your group’s abilities.
The Schoolroom: The museums school ma’am, Miss Proper, will receive your class for instruction in the manner of Victorian times. Appropriate costume can be provided.
Below Stairs: An invitation to your class to apply for the positions of Boot Boys and Scullery Maids. Our Housemaid will set them to work using authentic equipment. Appropriate costume can be provided.

Victorian scullary at the county museum
Classroom at War and Make Do and Mend: Your pupils can experience a school lesson from the point of view of a Wartime evacuee or spend some time in the Scullery learning about a child’s daily life in Wartime including rationing and ‘making do’.
Severn Valley Railway: Worcestershire County Museum can also provide the Classroom at War session in partnership with the Severn Valley Railway
Homes a Long Time Ago: A new hands-on activity session looking at the similarities and differences between our homes today and during Victorian times.
Toys From The Past: A hands-on activity looking at the similarities and differences between toys today and toys in the past. To reinforce concepts of “old” and “new” and to provide a wide range of opportunities for children to develop their speaking and listening skills.

Toys from the past
Activities at your school: A whole range of activities delivered by museum staff at your school.
The School Loans Service: Hands-on learning with artefact boxes to support the National Curriculum in your school. Loan Box themes range from Roman armour and weapons to traditional toys.
- For further infomation please visit their website
- Email: Sue Pope or Julie Smith spope@worcestershire.gov.uk or jsmith1@worcestershire.gov.uk
- Phone: Sue Pope or Julie Smith 01299 250416