Second World War air raid shelter in the grounds of Bewdley Museum
The Museum offers a range of educational themed visits that support the National Curriculum. Available to school and group visits.
Anglo Saxons: With the help of historical interpreters ‘Discover History’ join Bewdley Museum staff and take an in-depth look at life as an Anglo Saxon. Find out who they were, where they originated from and look at their everyday life.
Blitz and Evacuation: An in-depth look at life during World War II with the help of historical interpreters ‘Discover History’. Find out what it felt like to be an evacuee arriving at a billeting office, then climb aboard a Severn Valley Railway heritage train for your evacuation journey between Bewdley and Highley.
Blitz and Home Front: An in-depth look at life during World War II with the help of historical interpreters ‘Discover History’. Find out what it felt like to be an evacuee arriving at a billeting office, learn about preparations for war and visit a genuine second World War air raid shelter in the museum grounds .

The River Severn in Bewdley
Local History: Explore local history and geography with staff from Bewdley Museum. Through practical activities, demonstrations and a town trail, find out how Bewdley developed from Anglo Saxon times. This programme provides many opportunities for comparison of settlements, discussion about reasons for settlement in a particular place and hands-on activities.
Rivers and River & Rail: This programme can be booked as a Museum Site only visit or it can be booked in conjunction with a trip on the Severn Valley Railway. The programme allows for the design and delivery of bespoke visits from a range of topics. Example timetables and content are given but schools and groups can mix and match their activities using the information as a guide.
World War I: An in-depth look at life during World War I with the help of historical interpreters ‘Discover History’. Find out about life at home before you learn about the realities of life at the Front.

Bewdley Museum’s fossil loan box
Canals and Rivers: This is a partnership programme between Bewdley Museum and Canal & River Explorers. Through practical activities and walks, discover what it was like to live and work on the canals and find out about the related crafts, trades and technology.
Romans in Britain: With the help of historical interpreters ‘Discover History’ join Bewdley Museum staff as we take an in-depth look at life in Roman Britain. Find out why the Romans invaded, where they originated from and look at their everyday life. Explore the impact of their arrival on the people already living in Iron Age Britain
Bewdley Museum also offers ‘Loan Boxes’ for hire which support the National Curriculum. Boxes are available for two week loan periods. £5 per loan period, boxes to be collected from the museum. Loan boxes are not only for schools, any group is welcome to borrow one. For details of Loan Boxes available please click here.
For further details on Bewdley Museums education programme please visit their website.
Email bewdley.museum@wyreforestdc.gov.uk
Phone 0845 603 5699