Callow Hill Quarry
Geological overview
The quarry lies some 200m from the Wyre Forest Discovery Centre. The quarry consists of Carboniferous conglomerates, sandstones and siltstones together with exhbiting sedimentray features.
This is a Community Conservation Champions site. The ‘Champions’ are a loosely knit group of volunteers who are actively involved in the maintenance and public promotion of 19 geological sites spread across the counties of Herefordshire and Worcestershire. They are engaged in a wide range of activities which vary according to the nature of the site.
The Wyre Forest, Callow Hill, Worcestershire Grid Reference: SO 7478 7408
Restricted access. Please contact the Community Conservation Champions.
Geological Age
Carbonifeorus – Etruria Formation
Rock Types
Sedimentary – Sandstone; conglomerate; palaesols
Variable lithologies
Sedimentary structures
Interpretation board on site
An infomation leaflet is available