Dog Hill Wood, Ledbury
Geological Overview
TDog Hill Wood and the immediate surrounding area tell a fascinating geological story. Byinterpreting the different rocks seen, including their relationships to each other, the incredible story of how these rocks came into being, along with the events that took place to shape the landscape, all begin to emerge.
The rocks that underlie Dog Hill Wood all formed during the Silurian Period. It was a pioneering British geologist, Sir Roderick Murchison, who first identified this series of rock in the 1830s during his extensive field investigations in South Wales and in Herefordshire.
Ledbury, Herefordshire; Grid Reference: SO 7127 3837
Open along public right of way
Geological Age
Silurian – Wenlock
Silurian – Ludlow
Rock Types
Sedimentary – Limestone; shale
Variable lithologies
Local geological history and structural setting
Interpretation board on site
Ledbury – Over coral seas and sandy deserts (a ‘Walks for Health’ leaflet)
Section 11 of the Geopark Way trail