Variety of lithologies in Carboniferous Etruria Formation
Geological overview
This exposure of Carboniferous-aged, Etruria Formation rocks consist of multi-coloured red, purple, yellow and green-grey, commonly mottled mudstone. These sediments were deposited on a well-drained alluvial plain and were extensively affected by soil-forming processes. Layers of sandstone within the layers of finner-grained mudstones and siltstones represent the deposits of shallow river channels and sheet flooding.
Kinlet, Wyre Forest, Shropshire; Grid Reference: SO 7462 7644
Open along a public right of way
Geological Age
Carboniferous – Etruria Formation
Rock Types
Sedimentary – sandstone, siltstone, mudstone, clay
Sedimentary structures
Section 4 of the Geopark Way trail