This year’s GeoFest will take place between Saturday 27 May to Sunday 3 September. Nearer the time we will be sharing details of the exciting events being offered by our partners.

An exhibition this summer at Bewdley Museum from 22nd July to 24th September
Space satellites now provide exquisite photographic detail of the Earth’s surface. This exhibition shows the local landscape of hills, rivers and rocks as never seen before. Above is a satellite image of the southern part of Britain using a technique known as ‘false colour’ to enhance the exposed rocks and highlight landscape features. Similar but more local photographs will feature in the exhibition. Satellite images and explanations are being provided by the Geological Remote Sensing Group and associated field scale photos and interpretations are being supplied by Geologists in the Geopark.
Another two successful rock and fossil hunts round off a great summer of geology at Severn Valley County Park. Both days received a great turnout of young budding geologists, and with the industry experts on hand, it was no wonder the days were full of excitement and learning.

The young fossil hunters identified different rocks such as Sandstone, Limestone, Coal, Dolerite and Quarts. Some were lucky enough to find fossilised plants and shells in their rocks!

Take a look at the pictures to see what they got up to

As part of their national tour for summer 2016, Rain or Shine Theatre Company is performing a fantastical Shakespearean delight, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, at a local Shropshire beauty spot.

Shropshire Council rangers at Severn Valley Country Park are delighted to see the return of the company to the park on Friday 12th August for their outdoor performance of this magical and hilarious comedy.
In the story the audience is asked to join the lovers, Hermia, Helena, Lysander and Demetrius this summer as Rain or Shine follow them into the intoxicating dream world of fairy queen and king, Titania and Oberon. With well-loved characters such as Bottom and Puck in tow, join us for a rip-roaring, fast-paced jaunt through Shakespeare’s best loved comedy this out-door season. Filled with magic and mischief, inspired by warm nights, young love and the Elizabethan Carnival, this is as show sure to delight.
Rain or Shine is a Gloucester based professional theatre company which specialises in outdoor summer tours of classical theatre to castles, stately homes and gardens throughout the U.K. They have performed classic comedy productions of works by Shakespeare, Sheridan, Goldsmith, Wilde and Vanbrugh to tens of thousands of happy theatregoers since they were formed in 1998.
Tickets are £13 Adult, £11 Concession, £6 Child (suitable for age 6 upwards). Tickets are available by calling 01746781192 and will be available to purchase on the door on the night.
Gates open at 6.30pm with the performance starting at 7.30pm. Visitors are invited to bring a picnic and low backed seating to add to their enjoyment of the performance.
We had great fun on Wednesday with our Nature’s Art Attack session. During the sessions the children collected lots of leaves, grass twigs and other natural items from around the park. We had a great time mashing, squashing and bashing everything we found to make some paint to colouring a lovely landscape.
 Severn Valley Country Park
A big thank you to Georgia Jacobs joined us to help the children make cards using cut out leaves, ink stamps and more. The children had a great time!

We have events every Wednesday and Friday of the school holidays. Geologists in the Geopark will be with us on Mon 8th August & Thurs 25th August for a Rock and Fossil Hunt. It’s going to be a fun summer!
The President of the Geopark Chris Darmon made a visit to GeoFest on 22nd, 23rd and 24th July. During his time with us he launched the revamped GVIP (Geopark Visitor Information Point) at Bewdley Museum, he promoted Triassic wine from Astley Vineyard which is for sale in Bewdley Tourist Information Centre and he opened the geology inspired textile demonstration and visited the ‘One Grain’ exhibition, both at the Museum.
 Launch of Triassic wine at Bewdley TIC
 Astley Vineyard’s Triassic white
 Textiles, with Georgia Jacobs at the sewing machine
 Ross Iannoccaro explains the additions to the Geopark Information Point.
There is so much going on in GeoFest with plenty more to come in August. Details are in the calendar on the website. The textiles exhibition ‘Geology at Different Scales’ continues at Bewdley Museum until 11th September.
 Georgia Jacobs with her geology inspired textile demonstration.
 Chris Darmon visits the ‘One Grain’ exhibition in the Brass Foundry
 Bewdley TIC staff and Triassic wine tasting session
Keep up to date with all that is happening in GeoFest on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/AbberleyandMalvernHillsGeopark

How much do you know about the planned canal from Kington-Leominster? As part of GeoFest, the Woolhope Club have a walk on Sun 5th June tracing part of Dadford’s intended route, The canal was never completed beyond Southnet due to engineering and financial difficulties. The 6-7 mile walk which is suitable for anyone able to walk that distance, starts at Rock Village Hall (DY14 9SD) at 10.30am and will finish at approx 4.30pm
Suitable footwear, waterproofs and packed lunches are essential. The cost is £2 per person, unless you require an accompanying handout which are printed to order and will cost an additional £3 (£5 in all). Booking necessary if a handout is required gandic@macace.net or Phone: (01989) 563740
Here it is at last – the programme for GeoFest 2016
A Programme of 2016 Geofest events will be displayed here very shortly
Latest events by partners
 Fungi Foray at Severn Valley Country Park
Shropshire Council invites you to the Severn Valley Country Park for a fungi foray. Their rangers will be joined by Jo Weightman of the Herefordshire Fungus Survey Group for this guided walk. It will be a good opportunity to get outdoors, amongst the last of the autumn colours, to find out which of the many fungi on the park can be eaten and which cannot.
On a recent foray held at the country park, 35 different types of fungi were identified. Their names describe them perfectly. Amongst those found were the Oyster which resembles an open oyster shell; the Candle Snuff which looks like a black candle with white smoke rising from the wick; the Orange Peel which mimics small pieces of orange zest and the Turkey Tail which fans out like tail feathers. A number of mushrooms are in season until December so you will be able to see some of the many species on site during the guided walk.
 Severn Valley Country Park half term activties
Visitor centre manager Susie Comaish says, “If you would like to know more about fungi or just fancy an enjoyable, interesting walk then why not come along. The park has a wide range of fungi to discover and to top it off; there will be tea and biscuits on offer at the end of the foray in the visitor centre.”
There will be 2 sessions on Friday 13th November at 10am-12pm and 1pm-3pm.
Places are limited to 15 per session.
Booking and payment in advance are required.
Please call 01746 781192. Adults £4.50 Children £3.00. Price includes a hot drink and biscuits.
A day school with some local field work to celebrate the Bicentenary of William Smith’s first geological map of England & Wales. Hosted by Geopark president and geologist extraordinaire Chris Darmon at the Malvern Hills GeoCentre.
Price: £25.00 adult, £20.00 under-19 student, including light lunch and refreshments.
The Abberley and Malvern Hills Geopark is pleased to share that Chris Darmon, Geopark president and Down to Earth editor, will be leading a residential field trip in the Geopark during 2016. Please see the advert below for details:
“Earth science learning for all”
Abberley & Malvern Hills Geopark
April 29 – May 4 2016
As President of the Abberley & Malvern Hills Geopark, I invite you to come and join me as we explore the varied geology of this part of the Heart of England! There are breathtaking views, fine scenery and excellent rocks within the Geopark that extends across 1250 square kilometres and takes in parts of the four counties of Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Shropshire and Worcestershire.
In the Abberley and Malvern Hills Geopark we’ll find outstanding geology that spans 700 million years of Earth’ history. The story begins with Precambrian igneous and metamorphic rocks and then moves on through sediments of all ages, ending with the Triassic desert sandstones of Bridgnorth. We’ll see geology from a steam rain and even animatronic dinosaurs in the Wildlife Safari Park!
We’ll stay at the centrally located Great Malvern Hotel where we will get well looked after and be able to sample good local food. This is a great opportunity to explore some of the finest geology in England over the May Day Bank Holiday weekend.
The cost of the 5-night trip is £695.00 per person in a double/twin room and £850.00 for single occupancy.
We expect this trip to book up quickly – so you are advised to contact us soon for a booking form!
Chris Darmon BSc
Course Organiser/Leader
To request a booking form, email: downtoearth@geosupplies.co.uk
or ring: 0114 245 5746
Download information in the October edition of Down to Earth
 Box of fossils
Join Worcester City Museum and the ‘Geologist in the Geopark’ to explore the museums wonderful geology collection. This will be an opportunity for you to discover, draw and handle these amazing and ancient specimens.
Family drop in day.
Worcester City Art Gallery & Museum
Foregate Street, Worcester WR1 1DT
Telephone: 01905 25371
E-mail: gallerymuseum@worcestershire.gov.uk
Find the museum: Location map
GeoFest is the Abberley and Malvern Hills Geoparks annual celebration of events. The members of the Geopark Forum host events throughout June, July and August that highlight and promote the geology, landscape and associated heritage of the Geopark.
GeoFest events include walks, talks, exhibitions, demonstrations and children’s and family activities along with ‘Ask the Expert’ sessions and demonstrations which explore the geology, landscape, history and wildlife of the Geopark.
Venues for the events include:
- Severn Valley Country Park Visitor Centre in Alveley, Shropshire
- Bodenham Arboretum, Wolverley, Worcestershire
- Wyre Forest Discovery Centre
- Bewdley Museum, Worcestershire
- The Engine House (Severn Valley Railway) in Highley, Shropshire
- Hartlebury Museum
- Cob House Fisheries
- The Hive, Worcester
- Worcester City Art Gallery and Museum
- Worcester and Gloucester Cathedrals
GeoFest is launched by the Geopark president, Chris Darmon. Chris is well known to many for his passion for geotourism in the UK and overseas, his communication of geology to the general public and as Editor of Down to Earth magazine.
 Bewdley Museum
This year’s exhibition involves collaborative work with Bewdley School and Sixth Form Centre and members of the Abberley and Malvern Hill Geopark.
During the project local geologists offered their expertise to help the learners to identify the stone used in the building of some of the important historic structures in Bewdley. For more infomation about the project click here.
The exhibition runs from 12th September to 31st October at Bewdley Museum, 10am – 4.30pm. Admission to the museum is free!
 Crinoids – Silurian reef
Shropshire Council rangers at Severn Valley Country Park are delighted to be welcoming Georgia Jacobs for this fascinating look at the use of geology in textile art.
Since retiring from her career as a lecturer in Geography and Geology at Halesowen College, Georgia has been able to develop her love for textile art by gaining a series of qualifications including machine embroidery, silk painting and advanced textile decoration.
As a registered speaker on recreational geology and textile art for the Worcestershire WI, Georgia enjoys exhibiting her textile art as it helps promote public awareness of geology and how the subject can be used as a source of inspiration for artists working in textiles and mixed media.
Georgia’s passion for textile art can be seem in her vast collection of vibrantly coloured, geologically inspired textiles. Her use of different textures and colours to create wonderful shapes and landscapes is very creative and she is able to bring the subject to life through this humorous and interesting talk.
Visitor centre manager Susie Comaish says, “the country park is the perfect setting for this talk. The Severn Valley was carved out 18,000 years ago during the last ice age and is filled with distinctive geological features, some of which Georgia has replicated in her art.”
The talk will be held in the visitor centre on Thursday 15th October 7.30pm-9pm. Tickets are £3 Adults, £2 Children. Tickets include a hot drink and biscuits. Places are limited so please call 01746 781192 to book.
Monday 30th May – Monday 29th August
GeoFest is the Abberley and Malvern Hills Geopark’s annual three month long celebration of its geology, landscape and associated heritage. Events are hosted and run by the members of the Geopark Forum.
GeoFest 2016 launches on Monday 30th May with
Let’s Rock!
a ‘Building Stones Roadshow’ at Worcestershire County Museum, Hartlebury Castle. Revel in rock and stone activities, enjoy making your own clay dinosaurs and snake mobiles, meet Vernon the life sized Velociraptor and follow the building stones trail with The Earth Heritage Trust.
More information about events and activities to follow soon
For enquires about GeoFest please contact the Geopark Team on AMHG@outlook.com / 07547 481440
Click here to download a programme.
Click here to download a programme.
Click here to download a programme.
Click here to download a programme.
Click here to download the programme.
Click here to download a programme.
The Geopark Way long distance walking trail
Contact Details Abberley and Malvern Hills Geopark Forum:
c/o Outreach Team
Email: amhg@outlook.com